Eungik Lee

Assistant Professor of Economics at Indiana University

Ph.D. in Economics from NYU in 2024


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Working Papers

Earnings Shocks, Expectations, and Spending

with Johan Sæverud

Awarded KAEA Best Job Market Paper (2023)

PDF Abstract

Subjective Earnings Risk

with Andrew Caplin, Victoria Gregory, Soren Leth-Petersen, Johan Sæverud

R&R at Review of Economic Studies

PDF Abstract

The Resolution of Uncertainty in the Value and Probability Domains

with Kathleen Ngangoue, Andrew Schotter

PDF Abstract

Communicating Social Security Reform

with Andrew Caplin, Soren Leth-Petersen, Johan Sæverud

PDF Abstract


North Korean Refugees' Implicit Bias against South Korea Predicts Market Earnings

with Syngjoo Choi, Byung-Yeon Kim, Jungmin Lee, Simon Lee

Journal of Development Economics (accpeted)


Irreversibility and Monitoring in Dynamic Games: Experimental Evidence

with Bongjune Choi, Syngjoo Choi, Yves Gueron

International Economic Review (2023), *first author


Probability Weighting and Cognitive Ability

with Syngjoo Choi, Jeongbin Kim, Jungmin Lee

Management Science (2022)


Higher Order Risk Attitudes and Prevention under Different Timings of Loss

with Takehito Masuda

Experimental Economics (2019)



2018 - 2024 Ph.D. Economics, New York University
2019 - 2017 M.A. Economics, Seoul National University
2019 - 2015 B.A. Economics, Seoul National University

Award & Scholarship

2023 - 2023 KAEA Best Job Market Paper Award
2023 - 2024 Dean's Dissertation Fellowship
2018 - 2023 MacCracken Fellowship
2018 - 2019 Korean Government Scholarship for PhD Overseas

Teaching Experience

2019 - 2020 Introduction to econometrics, Teaching Assistant (×2)
19 Fall, 20 Spring (Avg 4.5/5.0)
2020 - 2023 Intermediate microeconomics, Teaching Assistant (×3)
20 Fall, 22 Spring (Avg 4.6/5.0)
2021 - 2022 Experimental economics, Course Assistant (×2)